Your vascular tree is the network of arteries, capillaries and veins that are vital to your health. Looking after that vascular tree can leave you with a long and healthy life.
Ancient Egypt houses more than just Cleopatra’s bathing secrets, with much of today’s modern medicine inspired by its rich history.
Once more valuable than gold, cinnamon has always been highly prized and now we are learning that, as well as being delicious, it is indeed a healing powerhouse.
The gallbladder is vital to digestion and health, so we look at how to keep yours happy and functioning well.
Moments of silence and solitude are vital for your wellbeing and can also help you reconnect with the universe.
Oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic therapy dating back over 2000 years, is being seen as a modern and effective treatment for diseases from bad breath to bleeding gums to asthma, diabetes and colitis.
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